Saturday, March 27, 2010

right now. and looking forward

:: little succulents and vintage bed sheets

:: a drawing/collage i forgot about (and now like much better)

:: my granny square blanket project - moving steadily (though not so fast) ahead, with new colors being added now and then

:: that this little plant i have in my living room (which i always forget the name of), a plant that i never before managed to keep alive, is growing so fast and furious - and now it is even blooming, something i never saw before (it's almost ridiculous so proud that makes me feel :)

:: that our nana (mint) is growing crazy this spring. last year they didn't do so well, so we moved the sad little stubs that were left after a burning hot summer to a new spot. and they are just all over the place now.

:: looking happily forward to this wednesday where my friend and her youngest son will come visit us. yay! i need to tell her to bring rum for those mojitos.

hope you're looking forward to something good too :)


  1. oh your blanket is coming along nicely. have a great week!- somehow i know you will:)

  2. I believe #4 is rosary vine. I once had that plant as a houseplant and loved it so much. It's so delicate. It's a precious, beautiful plant. I don't see it where I live now.

  3. Looks like you've come pretty far with those granny squares to me. Love your colour choice.

  4. We usually call our mint just "mohito plant". Mmmm, now I want one.

    And I'm both Australian and Norwegian. And I have lived both places. Hence the homesickness.

  5. Yes, it's mint! Very nice for mojitos;)

  6. Granny squares - my favourite! And succulents - I never used to like them - I always associated them with aloes which I still do not like - but now I have many different small succulents on my patio, in the sunroom, and even on my bathroom sill and I love them all. Probably because I can forget to water them for months and they still grow.
    PS Have a great visit with your friend!

  7. hi trinsch!
    everything nice and beautiful here in your place!
    loved also the ocean photos in your older post.
    warm hugs!

  8. inspirational shots! love mint btw, they taste like summer :)

  9. Your plant is beautiful! I have such a hard time keeping certain plants going and others it so easy...perhaps that means I'm a part-time gardener. Your drawing is really neat!

  10. What a nice title. Looking forward is good. I can see a beautiful blanket in the making, and mint growing. I'm glad you're having more visitors.

  11. playing catch up - I've missed reading about your days!

  12. HAve fun with your company! The delicate blooming plant is gorgeous and I really like the collage, it is good to find things again with fresh eyes(:

  13. incredible moments captured in frames of life...elk

  14. How much I love this first photo!

    Happy passover to you and your family!


    PS: my favorite pessa'h biscuits are the lemon or orange ones:) and I'll be in Tel Aviv the last 2 weeks of August. If you come back from Denmark before I leave, it will be a great pleasure to meet you in person.

  15. Your drawing is wonderful Trinsch, and I want to see what happens with those granny squares eventually too. Happy creativity, happy week...

    Thank you for your good wishes - xo, j.

  16. Your photos are wonderful and I want to lie down in that bed of mint and then rise up and drink a mojito with you (my very favorite drink!).
